Flagging Business Activity

Results from the WIFO business survey have shown a tentative upward trend since early this year, interrupted by occasional reversals. In the fourth quarter, confidence has improved in the manufacturing sector. All indicators currently point to a slow recovery, but not to a proper upturn.
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Link(s) zu Dokument(en):WIFO Publikation
Veröffentlicht in:WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports)
1. Verfasser: Ewald Walterskirchen
Format: article
Veröffentlicht: 2002
Zusammenfassung:Results from the WIFO business survey have shown a tentative upward trend since early this year, interrupted by occasional reversals. In the fourth quarter, confidence has improved in the manufacturing sector. All indicators currently point to a slow recovery, but not to a proper upturn.