Keeping up with the Ageing Joneses

Abstract: In this paper we consider the implications of relative consumption externalities in the Blanchard-Yaari overlapping generations framework. Unlike most of the macroeconomic literature that studies this question, the differences between agents, and, thus, in their relative position, persist...

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Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
Hauptverfasser: Fisher, Walter H., Heijdra, Ben J.
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: Institut für Höhere Studien 2007
Zusammenfassung:Abstract: In this paper we consider the implications of relative consumption externalities in the Blanchard-Yaari overlapping generations framework. Unlike most of the macroeconomic literature that studies this question, the differences between agents, and, thus, in their relative position, persist in equilibrium. We show in our fixed employment model that consumption externalities lower consumption and the capital stock in long-run equilibrium, a result in sharp contrast to the recent findingsof Liu and Turnovsky (2005). In addition, we solve for the intertemporal path of the economy to investigate its response to demographic shocks, specifically, to permanent changes in the birth and death rates.;