Projekt: Umweltlernen im Betrieb. Die Verkehrsmittelwahl auf dem Arbeitsweg: Theoretische Grundlegung, Konzeption und Ergebnisse im Überblick

Abstract: The individual choice of travel mode is not only determinated by external conditions (supply of public transport, availability of a car, driving-licence etc.) but is influenced by an individual's value orientations, attitudes, preferences ,knowledge and habits, too. The impact of individua...

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
Hauptverfasser: Littig, Beate, Schmidt, Lieselotte
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: Institut für Höhere Studien 1996
Zusammenfassung:Abstract: The individual choice of travel mode is not only determinated by external conditions (supply of public transport, availability of a car, driving-licence etc.) but is influenced by an individual's value orientations, attitudes, preferences ,knowledge and habits, too. The impact of individual experiences of mobility and of environmental consciousness on the choice of travel mode has been little investigated. But with respect to present studies it can be expected that environment-relatedvalue orientations, attitudes and knowledge are important factors in pro-environment traffic participation. The concept of "Environmental Learning" (Umweltlernen) aims at the promotion of these factors. In addition to that "Environmental Learning" seeks to weaken less environmentally responsible habits by practicing pro-environment alternatives of behavior. In a three phase pilot study (1. Analysis, 2. Intervention, 3. Evaluation) the concept of "Environmental Learning" has been implemented in selected enterprises in Berlin and Vienna. The effectiveness of "Environmental Learning" has been investigated with regard to the individual choice of travel mode to and from work using by quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the study show (among other things) that an enterprise's management of transport/mobility can be usefully informed by the social sciences.;