Das empirische Profil der "Politikverdrossenheit": Ein Annäherungsversuch (auf der Grundlage von Austrian Life Style 1992)

Abstract: In the public debate it is a commonplace observation that Austrian citizens are massively desenchanted with their political elite. Nevertheless, reliable survey data are extremely scarce. The present article analyzes, on a purely descriptive and non-mathematical basis, the data on politica...

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Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
1. Verfasser: Schedler, Andreas
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: Institut für Höhere Studien 1993
Zusammenfassung:Abstract: In the public debate it is a commonplace observation that Austrian citizens are massively desenchanted with their political elite. Nevertheless, reliable survey data are extremely scarce. The present article analyzes, on a purely descriptive and non-mathematical basis, the data on political evaluations which were collected within the survey Austrian Life Style 1992 (n = 4.000). Its - tentative - conclusions are threefold. First, the results do not confirm the generalized existence of profound and indiscriminate political disaffaction. Second, political evaluations do not vary significantly with the socio-economic variables sex, age, education and ocupation. Third, "hard core" anti-establishment resentments are essentially to be found among voters of the neopopulist "liberal" Party FPÖ and, to a lesser degree, among non-voters and green voters.;