arbeitsmarktpolitische qualifizierungsprogramme in oesterreich: eine multidimensionale wirkungsanalyse

abstract: the paper deals with the application of state-subsidized programs for vocational training as a means of labour-market policy in austria. being still a central instrument, it served the purpose of promoting career advancement up to the lateseventies. with the deterioration of the labour mar...

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Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
Hauptverfasser: Aichholzer, Georg, Lassnigg, Lorenz, Schienstock, Gerd
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: institut fuer hoehere studien 1986
Zusammenfassung:abstract: the paper deals with the application of state-subsidized programs for vocational training as a means of labour-market policy in austria. being still a central instrument, it served the purpose of promoting career advancement up to the lateseventies. with the deterioration of the labour market the consolidation of employment came to the fore as a new function. the focus on target groups with major problems in the labour market and the increasing proportion of training courses initiated by the labour administration reflect this change. based on an empirical investigation some global effects of such programs are discussed concentrating on the effect of securing employment as well as on distributional and integrative effects. individual-centered effects of program participation are then presented in an analysis of occupational careers. the change in the labour market position (employment status plus career stability) serves as a central indicator. additionally subjective assessments of program participants related to various aspects of the measure and its consequences are taken into account. a cluster-analytic approach allows to identify multi-dimensional patterns of success. differences in program effectiveness, dependenton individual characteristics and type of training course, play an important role in the investigation. finally the impact of these variables as well as that of differing starting positions and environmental conditions on the occupational careers ofparticipants are assessed simultaneously in a multivariate analysis. the results suggest the interpretation that improvements of the labour market position after the participation in training courses are to a substantial degree causally related withthis labour market policy measure.;