Parameter Estimation and Inference with Spatial Lags and Cointegration

Abstract: We study dynamic panel data models where the long run outcome for a particular crosssection is affected by a weighted average of the outcomes in the other cross-sections. We show that imposing such a structure implies several cointegratingrelationships that are nonlinear in the coefficient...

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Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
Hauptverfasser: Mutl, Jan, Sögner, Leopold
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: Institut für Höhere Studien 2013
Zusammenfassung:Abstract: We study dynamic panel data models where the long run outcome for a particular crosssection is affected by a weighted average of the outcomes in the other cross-sections. We show that imposing such a structure implies several cointegratingrelationships that are nonlinear in the coefficients to be estimated. Assuming that the weights are exogenously given, we extend the dynamic ordinary least squares methodology and provide a dynamic two-stage least squares estimator. We derive the large sample properties of our proposed estimator and investigate its small sample distribution in a simulation study. Then our methodology is applied to US financial market data, which consist of credit default swap spreads, firm specific and industrydata. A "closeness" measure for firms is based on inputoutput matrices. Our estimates show that this particular form of spatial correlation of credit default spreads is substantial and highly significant.;