akademiker am externen arbeitsmarkt: befunde aus dem oesterreichischen mikrozensus

abstract: the international labour market literature tends to deal with the occupational careers of university graduates in a model of "internal" careers ladders along which there is progress toward higher-paying and higher-status jobs. actually transactions on external labour markets play an indisp...

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Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
Hauptverfasser: Pichelmann, Karl, Wagner, Michael
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: institut fuer hoehere studien 1980
Zusammenfassung:abstract: the international labour market literature tends to deal with the occupational careers of university graduates in a model of "internal" careers ladders along which there is progress toward higher-paying and higher-status jobs. actually transactions on external labour markets play an indispensable part in the allocation process. the paper presented is devoted to transactions of employees with university education on external labour markets; in particular the discrepancies between plansand realisations of external labour market transactions are analyzed.;