erwerbsteuer, gemeindevermoegen und verwaltungshierarchie: drei studien zum wiener kommunalhaushalt, 1860 - 1890

abstract: the paper deals with three selected topics pertaining to the economic background of the so-called 'liberal period' (1861 - 1895) of viennese public administration. quantitative data from the annual budgets of the liberal administration support the following three conclusions: first, the si...

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Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
1. Verfasser: Wagner, Michael
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: institut fuer hoehere studien 1978
Zusammenfassung:abstract: the paper deals with three selected topics pertaining to the economic background of the so-called 'liberal period' (1861 - 1895) of viennese public administration. quantitative data from the annual budgets of the liberal administration support the following three conclusions: first, the size distribution of enterprises located in vienna stayed stable over a period covering the severe slump following 1873 and the recovery of the late seventies and early eighties. this observation contradicts any hypothesis suggesting that the political ascendence of the petty bourgeoise faction led by carl lueger rested on an increasing economic importance of small businesses. secondly, the liberal politicians violated their guiding fiscal principle, a balanced annual budget, to achieve three major types of investment into the city's infrastructure; they inflated public debt in order to build new water supply systems, town halls, and schools. thirdly, the liberal town council designed a pay scheme which reflects the liberal politician's conception of adequate and just income differentials. curious enough, the lorenz curve of this pay scheme of 1880 coincides with todays' lorenz curve for the earning of all austrian employees.;