Application of Projection Method in a Model of Endogenous Growth

Abstract: The main goal of the paper is to show the application of the projection method as a tool for the analysis of transitional dynamics of endogenous growth models, the analysis which is very often omitted in common literature on the topic. Theapplication of the method is demonstrated on an end...

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Link(s) zu Dokument(en):IHS Publikation
1. Verfasser: Kejak, Michal
Format: IHS Series NonPeerReviewed
Veröffentlicht: Institut für Höhere Studien 1995
Zusammenfassung:Abstract: The main goal of the paper is to show the application of the projection method as a tool for the analysis of transitional dynamics of endogenous growth models, the analysis which is very often omitted in common literature on the topic. Theapplication of the method is demonstrated on an endogenous growth model with human capital accumulation and government sector. We analyze the long-run (steady states) and the short-run effects (transitional dynamics) of different fiscal policies. The transitional dynamics of the competitive equilibrium and the social optimum economies are compared. It is shown that when the economy starts with relatively abundant physical capital it is optimal to decrease its level very rapidly even at the costof a big decline of consumption for a period of time. The introduction of education subsidies can bring the economy closer to the optimum and, therefore, improve the welfare of the society.;